华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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There's nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. 社会现象引入What is surprising is the method some psychologists have come up with to keep girls from developing eating disorders. (针对社会现象心理学家采取的应对措施)Their main weapon against super-skinny models: a brand of civil disobedience dubbed "body activism."(扩展前一句)
分析:第一段开头引入了社会上屡见不鲜的现象:电视和时尚杂志经常给女孩们灌输一种“以瘦为美”的不健康的观念。第二句话紧接着谈到心理学家提出了一项措施来阻止女孩发展成饮食紊乱。第三句是进一步拓展心理学家对抗超瘦模特的主要武器是“body activism”。因此我们可以总结第一段的大意:Body project这一活动的发起背景
Recently, more than 1.000 high school and in the U.S. have participated in the Body Project, which works by getting girls to understand how they have been buying into the notion that you have to be thin to be happy or successful.(做法一) After critiquing the so-called thin ideal by writing essays and role-playing with their peers, participants are directed to come up with and execute small, nonviolent acts.(做法二) They include slipping notes saying "Love your body the way it is" into dieting books and writing letters to makers of the impossibly proportioned Barbie doll.
第二段大意:Body Project这一项目的活动内容

According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants. And they continued to exhibit positive body-image attitudes as long as three years after completing the program, which consists of four one-hour sessions(该活动的影响). Such lasting effects may be due to girls' realizing not only how they were being influenced but also who was benefiting from the societal pressure to be thin.(分析影响背后的原因) "These people who promote the perfect body really don't care about you at all," says Kelsey Hertel, a high school junior and Body Project veteran "They purposefully make you feel like less of a person so you'll buy their stuff and they'll make money."
第三段大意:Body Project这一项目的影响和影响背后的原因分析

As part of the program, Hertel and a friend posted signs in a school bathroom saying YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL DON'T BE SOMEONE THAT YOU'RE NOT. BE YOURSELF. The girls then watched their classmates react. "They'd see the signs and say things like 'That's encouraging because always feel so fat and gross and ugly." Hertel says.
"This is a good start, says Dr. Walter Kaye a board member of the National Eating Disorders Association. But Kaye cautions that eating disorders are much more complicated than researchers first thought. For starters, the disorders can't be blamed solely on environmental factors. (提醒该活动不能仅将饮食紊乱归于外界因素)Brain-scan studies show that the neural circuitry that normally responds to the pleasurable, rewarding aspects of eating doesn't seem to work in anorexics.(实验论证)
86. According to the passage, which of the following expresses the essence of "body activism"?
  1. "I know best what is good for my body."
  2. "should actively keep my body beautiful."
  3. "I will decide how to exercise for my health."
  4. should take positive approach toward my body.”
解析:题干问这一活动的本质是什么。这需要结合文章的中心大意去理解。可以通过活动的具体内容和标语YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL DON'T BE SOMEONE THAT YOU'RE NOT. BE YOURSELF.以及Love your body the way it is来得出答案,主要强调要做自己,不要受到外界干扰。因此选A。其他选项的话语可以反映都受到了外界干扰。
87. What do psychologists who support the Body Project believe?
  1. The ideal body of a girl can only result from healthy eating habits.
  2. Eating disorder affecting the body weight of a girl should be treated.
  3. The stereotypical body image on TV and media may lead to eating disorder.
  4. TV and other media are not active enough in promoting healthy eating habits.
88.Which of the following is an example of nonviolent acts used by the Body Project participants?
      1. They rill on people to reject the selling of Barbie doll.
      2. They dissuade other girls from becoming extremely thin.
      3. They debate openly with peers who have unhealthy notions.
      4. They adopt some unconventional methods to express their belief.
89. Which of the following is NOT true of the Body Project participants?
  1. They are now more confident about their self-image.
  2. They are more immune to publicity after completing the program.
  3. They now seek longer-term- effects in improving their body images.
  4. They now realize the commercial motive behind the current notion of beauty.
90. Which of the following agrees with Dr. Kaye's view as expressed in the last paragraph?
  1. Body Project is only a good start and should go on advocating its ideals.
  2. Many people still fail to realize the real effect of environmental factors
  3. Body Project needs to have more scientific evidence to back its claims.
  4. Environmental factors do not explain all that are involved in the issue.
解析:题干是问 Dr. Kaye的观点是什么。可以定位到最后一段的but部分。可知D选项是其同义替换。

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