华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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common   return    various  complete worthwhile satisfy      different particular   age mean
peculiar   recognize  old proceed engage       self-evaluation  limitation      increase    join  transition

Human life is a process. A number of psychologists have attempted to identify the particular tasks that must be accomplished at each stage of development. Successful __1__ of tasks at one stage means that the individual normally __2__ to the next stage and a few set of tasks. It is not always __3__, however, that there are new tasks for the aged as well as for those who are younger. __4__, in other words, is a new stage in the developmental process of life.
  What are the developmental tasks faced by the aged? Some tasks are similar to those of other age groups, and some are __5__ to the elderly. In the nineteenth century, for instance, most men had no __6__ to retirement. Typically, a man worked until disability or death. Few people had to deal with the "empty nest" problem, since children either did not leave the family house or __7__ there to live with their elderly parents.
  Today, when an __8__ number of people are living into their seventies and eighties, there are at least five developmental tasks facing the elderly. First, the aged must come to terms with the physical __9__ inherent in their stage of life. They will no longer be able to __10__ in certain activities as often or as successfully as they once could. Second, having come to terms with the limitations, the older person must redefine the scope of his or her activities. Third, the older person must find new sources for __11__ his or her needs. This may be particularly acute at the time of retirement for those who hold to the work ethic.
  A fourth task is to reassess the criteria for __12__. Again, the loss of work is involved, for many Americans consider themselves worthwhile because they have a fulltime job. The question the elderly person must face is "Am I a worthwhile person because of the kind of individual I am, because of the __13__ qualities I possess, or am I __14__ only as long as I can function in some kind of job?" A man who lost his job in advertising when he was sixty-one told the author that he could not find another job in his field. He has done some freelance work, but he still mourns the loss of his job. "I loved what I did," he said, "and I resented being thrown out on the scrap heap. There are times when I think I'm just not worth anything anymore. "
Finally, the aged face the task of finding ways to give __15__ and purpose to their lives. This task arises throughout the individual's life. Many elderly people find challenges, struggles, and gratifications just as they did in their earlier years.



1空:根据空格前的successful 确定空格处需要填名词,且上句中提到“the particular tasks that must be accomplished at each stage of development.发展的每个阶段必须完成的特殊任务”,根据上下句的逻辑可以推出此处“Successful __1__ of tasks at one stage”指的是“阶段任务的成功完成”,可知空格处需要填“完成”之意,故可选completioncompletion是不可数名词,故填原形completion即可。
2空: 根据that the individual normally __2__ to the next stage and a few set of tasks 从句that中缺少谓语,确定空格处需要填动词,且该动词能和介词to搭配使用,再根据空格前后的应该是“个人能正常地进入到下一个阶段”故可选动词proceed充当谓语, 由于that从句中主语the individual为第三人称单数,故需填第三人称单数形式proceeds.
3空:由句型 it is not always __3__, however, that可知空格处需填形容词、或者名词或者动词的ed形式,再由however可知此处与上文意思相反,前面提到许多心理学家试图找到发展的每个阶段的任务,所以,此处意思是没有“发现或找到”老年人和年轻人一样也有新任务,故选recognize,正确形式为recognized
4空:由句子结构可知空格处需要填名词或动词不定式或者动名词形式作is的主语,根据in other words及上下句意思,可知填aging
5空:由句子结构可知空格处需要填形容词,根据上文中的some are similar to  可知此处需填similar相对的意思,故填peculiar
6空:上文提到老年人的有些任务与其他年龄组的相似,而有些则是老年人特有的。根据 for instance可知此处在举例子,指的是“在19世纪,大多数人不会退休”,故填transition
7空:由固定搭配either … or…可知空格处需填动词,且需填过去时的形式与did not leave 构成并的谓语,再由Few people had to deal with the "empty nest" problem, since children either did not leave the family house or __7__ there to live with their elderly parents.的句意“很少会有人面对“ 守空巢”的问题, 因为他们的孩子或者不离开父母家, 或者 ______家与年迈的父母同住”可知,空格处填returned
8空:由an __8__ number of people an可知空格处需填元音开头的单词,且空格处明显修饰 a number of “许多”,故填increasing
9空:有空格前的physical可知空格处需填名词,且由下句They will no longer be able to __10__ in certain activities as often or as successfully as they once could.“他们已不能像年轻时候那样频繁地参加某些活动, 也不会如过去那般成功。”可知此句表示“老年人必须承认这个人生阶段所带来的身体上的限制”,再根据后文中having come to terms with the limitations可知此处填limitations
10空:此处考查固定搭配engage in“参加”,由be able to的动词不定式to后需用动词原形,可知空格处填engage
11空:由空格前介词for可知空格处填名词或者动名词,由Second, having come to terms with the limitations, the older person must redefine the scope of his or her activities. “第二, 承认身体上的局限之后, 老年人就必须重新界定自己的活动范围。”,可知此处应该是老年人必须要找到能满足自己需要的新的资源,故填satisfying
12空:由介词for可知此处填名词或动名词,由后文中Again, the loss of work is involved, for many Americans consider themselves worthwhile because they have a fulltime job.“同样,失去工作也牵涉其中,因为许多美国人认为自己有价值,因为他们有一份全职工作。”可知上下文讨论的是价值的问题,故此处填self-evaluation更符合上下文语境。
14空:由前文的Am I a worthwhile person because of the kind of individual I am可知此处填worthwhile


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