华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1. on(通常表示“在……上面”,二者之间有接触)
1Last week we had a barbecue on the beach. 上周我们在海滩上举行了烧烤野餐。
Kate clicked on the mail icon on her computer screen.
2. above(通常表示“在……上方”,二者之间没有接触),与其相对的是below(通常表示“在……下方”,二者之间没有接触)
1There is a lot of smoke in the air above the city. 城市的上空有许多烟雾。
We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上面飞行。
2The sun sank below the horizon. 太阳落到了地平线下。
There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water. 水面下有许多鱼。
3. over(通常表示“在……正上方”,二者之间没有接触),与其相对的是under(通常表示“在……下方”,二者之间没有接触)
1He looked at himself in the mirror over the table. 他看着桌子上方镜子中的自己。
The balcony juts out over the street. 阳台伸出在街道上方。
2She placed the ladder under the window. 她把梯子立在窗户下面。
Tom find there is a dog under his bed. 汤姆发现自己的床底下有一只狗。
4. between(通常表示“介于两者之间”)/among(通常表示“介于三者或三者以上之间”)
1She choose to sit down between Jo and Diana. 她选择在乔和黛安娜中间坐下。
Jim had to choose between the two jobs. 吉姆不得不在这两份工作中做出选择。
2Two American soldiers were among the dead. 死者中有两名美军士兵。
There could be further bankruptcies among small farmers. 小农场主中可能还会有人破产。
5. in front of(通常表示“在物体外部的前面”)/in the front of(通常表示“在物体内部的前面”)
1The bus stops right in front of our house. 公共汽车就停在我们的房子前面。
A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy. 人群开始聚集在大使馆的前面。
2Students wore their caps and gowns and sat in the front of the auditorium.
She always likes to sit in the front of the plane. 她总是喜欢坐在飞机的前部。
6. next to(通常表示“紧挨着”)/beside(通常表示“在……旁边”)/near(通常表示“……附近”,距离上比next to稍远)/around(通常表示“在……周围”)
1They often sit next to each other. 他们经常紧挨着坐在一起。
Our house is the one next to the school. 我家的房子就是紧挨着学校的那座。
2On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books. 在桌上的空碟子旁边摆着一摞书。
He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his. 他跪在她旁边,双手握住她的手。
3They vanished into the haze near the horizon. 他们消失在地平线附近的薄雾中。
Jack inherited a family property near Stamford. 杰克继承了斯坦福附近的一处家族房产。
4They all huddled around the fire. 他们都聚集在火堆周围。
The children danced around her. 孩子们在她周围蹦蹦跳跳。
7. on the left在左边/on the right在右边
1The bus station is on the left. 公共汽车站在左边。
You’d better put the dressing table on the left. 你最好把梳妆台放在左边。
2The station is on the right, one mile before downtown Romney.
Walk along Second Avenue and you can see it on the right.
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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑