华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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We have upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and driven coordinated progress in material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernization, and created a new model for human civilization.


We are eager to learn what lessons we can from the achievements of other cultures, and welcome helpful suggestions and constructive criticism. We will not, however, accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us.


We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will.


Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.


We are closer, more confident, and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality. But we must be prepared to work harder than ever to get there.


In the course of our struggles over the past century, the Party has always placed the united front in a position of importance.


We will stay true to the letter and spirit of the principle of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy.


Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China.


No one should underestimate the great resolve, the strong will, and the extraordinary ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The future belongs to the young people, and the hopes also rest with them.


In the new era, the young people should make it their mission to contribute to national rejuvenation and aspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity as Chinese people so that they can live up to the expectations of the times, the Party, and the people.


The image China presents to the world today is one of a thriving nation that is advancing with unstoppable momentum toward rejuvenation.


The CPC is rallying and leading the Chinese people on a new journey toward realizing the second centenary goal.


It is certain that with the firm leadership of the Party and the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, we will achieve the goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects and fulfill the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.


The Chinese nation does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes.


The Party cares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in tandem with all progressive forces around the world. China has always worked to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order.

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑