1. 激烈的竞争: intense competition
2. 面对各种各样的挑战: confront various challenges
3. 情绪低落、容易疲劳: yield to depression, fatigue
4. 不愿意运动:unwillingness to take some sports activities.
5. 失眠、头痛、注意力不集中: sleep loss (insomnia), headache, distraction
6. “灰色状态”或“第三状态”: gray mental state (status)
7. 健康处方: a healthy prescription
8. 均衡营养合理膳食: balanced diet
9. 热量过剩: excessive heat
10. 营养和热量的不足: less enough (insufficient) nutrition and calories
11. 脂类: lipid
12. 昏昏欲睡: sleepiness
13. 脂肪: fat
14. 视力减弱: decrease of eyesight
15. 鱼肉、猪旰、韭菜、鳗鱼: fish, pork liver, leek, eel
16. 新鲜蔬菜、水果等富含维生素C的食物: fresh vegetable,
17. 心理状态和精力充沛:psychological status; full of vigor
18. 个人差异: personal difference
19. 觉醒程度: awakening degree(直译)
20. 反应速度:reaction speed
21. 心理调节: psychological adjustment
22. 维持心理平衡: psychological balance
23. 大脑信号: brain signal
24. 头痛、失眠:headache, sleep loss, insomnia
25. 超负荷运转: overloading operation
26. 放松全身的肌肉: muscular relaxation
27. 去掉杂念: get rid of (remove) distracting thought
28. 丹田穴: Dan Tian Point
29. 调整脏器活动: adjustment of viscera movement
30. 负离子浓度: anion concentration
31. 神经系统: nerve system
32. 胃肠消化: intestine digestion
33. 办公室内勤:office secretary
34. 保健操: gym
35. 活动筋骨: take part in some sports activities
36. “静坐”生活方式: sedentary life style
37. 慢性疾病: chronic diseases
38. 事半功倍: half work with the double results
39. 午睡: afternoon nap
40. 将身体伸展开来: body stretching
41. 不要扒在桌上睡: avoid sleeping at the table
42. 慢性颈肩病: chronic neck disease