原文: I believe that every human being has a talent-something that he can be better than anyone else. And I believe that the distinction between so-called “creative” talents and ordinary run-of-the-mill talents is an unnecessary and man-made distinction. I have known exterminators, typists, waitresses and machinists whose creative joy and self-fulfillment in their work could not by surpassed by Shakespeare’s or Einstein’s. I also believe that in the process of searching, no experience is ever wasted, unless we allow ourselves to run out of hope. In my own case I had 34 different jobs before I found the right one. Many of these jobs were heartbreakingly difficult. A few of them involved working with unscrupulous and horribly unpleasant people. Yet, in looking back, I can see that the most unpleasant of these jobs, in many cases, give me the biggest dividends-the most valuable preparation for my proper life work. 【参考译文】 我相信,每个人都是天才—相比别人而言,有些事他可能做得更好。我相信,所谓“创造性”才能与普通才能间的差距不过是一种人为的不必要的区别。我认识的一些杀虫员、打字员、女侍者和机械工,他们在工作中所创造的快乐与实现的自我价值,也许是莎士比亚或爱因斯坦无法超越的 我也相信,除非我们允许自己放弃希望,否则任何经历都会在找寻的过程中发挥作用。 就我而言,在找到合适的工作前,我曾尝试过34种不同的工作。其中有许多工作的艰难程度简直难以忍耐。在有些工作中,还会与一些不道德且令人讨厌的人相处。但是,回过头来才领悟到,在很多情况下,我从那些最令人头疼的工作中得到了最丰厚的报酬,它们成为我正确事业生涯的最有价值的准备。 【难点分析】 本文摘自一篇励志的英文说明文。原文段落中使用了一些英文合成词,比如run-of–the-mill“才能”;self-fulfilment“自我价值实现”;heartbreakingly “令人心碎地”。“I have known exterminators and typists, waitresses and machinists whose creative joy and self-fulfillment in their work could not be surpassed by Shakespeare’s or Einstein’s.”这句话的主干是I have known exterminators and typists, waitresses and machinists;whose引导定语从句修饰前面的exterminators and typists, waitresses and machinists;翻译的时候,我们可以使用拆分法,将从句单独翻译成“他们在工作中所创造的快乐与实现的自我价值,也许是莎士比亚或爱因斯坦无法超越的”。 “Yet, in looking back, I can see that the most unpleasant of those jobs, in many cases, gave me the biggest dividends—the most valuable preparation for my proper life work.”这句话句子看上去很松散,但是只要找准了句子的主干结构,翻译过程也相对简单。句子主干I can see that……;in looking back介词短语作状语,翻译成“回过头来”。 the most unpleasant of those jobs…… gave me the biggest dividends可以翻译成“最令人头疼的工作给了我最丰厚的报酬”,然后进一步润色调整就是“最令人头疼的工作中取了最丰厚的报酬”;破折号后面的句段可将其中的细节增译,表达为“它们成为我正确事业生涯的最有价值的准备”。 更多考博经验以及考博真题请大家关注华慧考博:www.hhkaobo.com 全国专业考博英语辅导机构。及时为大家更新全国各大院校博士招生简章,收集完善各院校考博英语真题、考博专业课真题等重要考博讯息。专业考博英语辅导团队精心为您打造考博英语复习计划,助力广大考生顺利登岸!