华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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"Vaccine" is Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year. The word was selected based on lookup data, notable spikes, and year-over-year increases in searches.



"This is a word that has kind of two parallel but intersecting stories: one is a medical story, and one is a political story or a cultural story," said Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster's editor-at-large.



On the site, lookups for "vaccine" shot up 601% over 2020, especially toward the latter part of the year when the first US shot was administered in December. There was a 1,048% increase in site lookups this year compared to 2019.



And searches have remained stable through late fall, especially with talk about the Omicron variant and the efficacy of vaccines in stopping it.





One notable runner-up word was "insurrection," searches for which increased by 61,000% on January 7, the day after the January 6 siege on the US Capitol.



Another runner-up was "perseverance," the name of NASA's latest Mars rover, which landed February 18. The name was chosen by a seventh-grader in Virginia who participated in an essay contest organized by NASA.



Other words in Merriam-Webster’s Top 10 include Cicada (we had an invasion), guardian (the Cleveland Indians became the Cleveland Guardians), meta (the lofty new name of Facebook’s parent company), cisgender (a gender identity that corresponds to one’s sex assigned at birth) and woke (charged with politics and political correctness).


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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑