华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1. 问题出现
Problems arise.
2. 我认为……
I hold the view that
3. 有些人认为                                                                             
It has been said that
4. 人们喜欢…
People prefer…
5. 人们担心…
people are concerned about…
6. 人们意识到
people become conscious of
7. 人们忽略…
people disregard/turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to
8. 国家面临问题 
countries face problems
9. 问题在于
The problem lies in…
10. 政府强调 
The government emphasizes that…
11. 消费者不相信广告
Consumers are skeptical about advertisements
12. 艺术反映现实
Arts reflect/represent life.
13. 人类利用资源
Human beings draw upon natural resources
14. 工作要求资格
The job requires qualification.
15. 政府采取措施
The government takes steps to do…
16. 国家经历危机
The country experiences a crisis.
17. 国家遭受损失
The country suffers from a loss.
18. 电视影响人的生活
TV exerts an influence upon our life.
19. 本课程训练独立思考能力
The course trains you to think for yourself.
20. 评论引争起论
The remark gives rise to discussion.
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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑