华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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首先,我们要通读每段文章的首句,理解文章的大概意思及段与段之间的基本逻辑关系,然后我们要开始阅读选项,预选与文章有关联性的选项,排除干扰选项。我们需要注意的是这类型的文章一般考察的是文章的上下文内容的衔接句子之间逻辑关系,因此我们在做题的时候可以优先做上下文内容衔接或者逻辑关系比较明显的题,例如中科院2016年真题中排序第二篇中第4题: A series of closed-door meetings in the mid-1990s in Berlin with chief executives from leading German multinationals laid the groundwork for international action. “ We moved the executives from being defensive to admitting that there was a big problem. __4__
TI’s solution was joint pressure from the companies on the government to sign the OECD convention against bribe-paying and, later, the signing of agreements between companies not to use bribery to win contracts.,我们可以看出第4题处于文章的最后一句,前一句意思是我们让高管们从防御性的态度转变为承认存在一个大问题。紧接着下一段开始讲Ti的解决方案,因此第4空应该选带有具体问题的选项,只有B选项有相关的提问。B.Then came the important question: how do we stop bribing without losing business to companies that still do it?
第二点,同义呼应原则。一般情况下空句位置前后句中的某些词与选项中的词有一些必然的联系,我们还是拿中科院的这篇文章举例,TI’s solution was joint pressure from the companies on the government to sign the OECD convention against bribe-paying and, later, the signing of agreements between companies not to use bribery to win contracts.
__5__ Mr. Eigen argues that TIs approach, based on “building coalitions, not on confrontation,” has brought results. 第5题的空格后有提到TI approach与选项F.TIs approach of working closely with companies to combat corruption contrasts with the tactics of many other pressure groups.中的TIs approach相对应,因此第5题的正确选项是F
例如:Between 5,000 million and 4,000 million years ago the Earth was formed. By 3,000 million years ago life had arisen and we have fossils of microscopic bacteria like creatures to prove it. __1__. Nobody knows what happened, but theorists agree that the key was the spontaneous arising of selfreplicating entities, i.e. something equivalent to “genes” in the general sense.这一题中空格出现在第一段中。空格前一句提到两个时间点及发生的事情50亿和40亿年之间形成了地球;二是三十亿年前生命的开始下一句说到到没有人知道发生了什么。上一句的内容非常明确,而下一句讲的是不确定的情况,因此空格处的内容应该是出现了一个新的现象,而且与下句中提到的理论家认为的自我复制单位的自然出现有联系因此只有选项F. Some time between these two dates—independent molecular evidence suggests about 4,000 million years ago—that mysterious event, the origin of life, must have occurred.既符合内容衔接有符合上下文逻辑

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