华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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华慧考博英语:受新冠影响 美国人均储蓄额较去年下降11000美元


The ongoing economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have taken a bite out of Americans' savings.
The average amount of personal savings dropped 15% from $73,100 in 2021 to $62,086 in 2022, according to Northwestern Mutual's recent 2022 Planning & Progress study. And 60% of US adults say that the pandemic has been "highly disruptive" to their finances.
The annual study was conducted by The Harris Poll between Feb. 8 and Feb. 17 of this year, with data pulled from responses from 2,381 American adults.
Nearly three-quarters say that they have also adopted better financial habits because of the pandemic.
Among the healthy money habits that respondents picked up are spending less money on living costs, tackling debt and increasing investments. In fact, 17% of respondents said they now regularly revisit their financial plans, while 14% said they have increased their savings and retirement contributions.
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