华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1、考博英语difficult。 2、考博翻译最难做。 (1)翻译是主观题。 (2)做翻译需要单词基础,语法基础,阅读基础和强大的汉语功底。 例:本次旅行有北京、上海等地。 This trip/travel/tour includes Beijing and Shanghai. (3)各所学校的命题非常不稳定。
练习:Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.
目的:初步断开句子结构,化繁为简 原则: 1、拆出主句,分清从句; 2、拆出主干,分清修饰; 最佳方式:找断句点包括(1)连词;(2)引导词;(3)介词;(4)分词;(5)to;(6)标点符号;
例如:We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race.
目的:初步了解每一个小结构的意思; 例如:We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race.
We accept and welcome, therefore, 我们接受和欢迎,因此,
as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, 作为条件,我们自己必须适应,
great inequality of environment; 环境的巨大不平等;
the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; 生意、工业和商业的集中,在少数人手中;
and the law of competition between these, 少数人之间的竞争法则,
as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race. 因为不仅对人类未来的进步有好处。
目的:把每一小节连接成为通顺的句子;需要适当地调整顺序,或者把一些不通顺的词语替换掉。 本源:英语的结构和修饰关系。 依据:英语的基本词义和上下文的意译。
例如: 因此,我们接受和欢迎环境的巨大不平等;生意、工业和商业集中在少数人手中和少数人之间的竞争法则,这作为我们自己必须适应的条件,因为这不仅仅对人类今后的进步有益。
There are many facts in a given historical period that can be easily stuffed into our mind. but discernment in the selection of significant facts is a vastly more difficult thing and depends upon one's point of view.
第一二步: There are many facts in a given historical period 在一个给定的历史时期内有很多事实
that can be easily stuffed into our mind. 能够被简单的装入我们的头脑中。
but discernment in the selection of significant facts 但是在选择重大事实中的鉴别
is a vastly more difficult thing and depends upon one's point of view. 是一个巨大的更困难的事情并且依靠一个人的观点。
(1)分析词根和词缀来翻译 (2)分析词性来翻译 (3)分析上下文来翻译 (4)结合汉语习惯和固定搭配来翻译
I put my hand in my pocket
可以适当重复出原文省略的部分,或者把并列结构中的相同部分重复出来。 We don't retreat , we never have and never will. 我们不会退却,我们从来没有后退过,今后也决不会退却。 Reading makes a full discussion is witty, Notes is strict. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。
英译汉练习 The main impression growing out of twelve years on the faculty of a medical school is that the No.1 health problem in the U.S.today, even more than AIDS or cancer, is that Americans don't know how to think about health and illness.
断句: The main impression ||growing out of twelve years ||on the faculty of a medical school is that
the No.1 health problem ||in the U.S.today, ||even more than AIDS or cancer, ||is that
Americans don't know ||how to think about health and illness.
1、准确 2、通顺 准确是前提,其次求通顺,另外检查译文的方式是多读译文。
We fear the worst,|| expect the worst,|| thus invite the worst|| and|
the result is that|
we are becoming a nation of weaklings and hypochondriacs,|
a self-medicating society incapable of|
distinguishing between casual||, everyday symptoms and|| those that|| require professional attention.
例2: Genuine love is more likely to involve a process of “growing” in love rather than “falling” in love. This may sound terribly unromantic to some who are used to hearing talk about “falling in love” or being “head over heels in love.”
Genuine love is more likely to|| involve a process of “growing” in love rather than|| “falling” in love. | This may sound terribly unromantic to some | who are used to|| hearing talk about “falling in love” or being “head over heels in love.”
例3: In reality, the way one experiences old age is contingent upon circumstances of late-life events(in what order they occur, how they occur, when they occur)and the social supports one receives: adequate finances, shelter, medical care, social roles, religious support, recreation.
be contingent upon:取决于
Depend upon:取决于
Rest upon:取决于
例4: It is primarily a term for the socially elaborated segment of human behavior in any culture; and abnormality, is a term for the segment that particular civilization does not use.
代词指代,在考博翻译中碰到代词,处理方式: 1、直接对应。直接对应汉语代词,前提是译文通顺。(第一人称、第二人称) 2、指代明确。如果不通顺需要指代明确,尽可能用指代的名词翻译,这时需要往前看,根据就近和一致原则确定。(第三人称) 3、简单翻译。万不得已,可以直接用“这”、“这种情况”、“这种观点”等翻译。(it、this和that)
例5: Its variability among different people is essentially|
a function of|| the variability of the behavior patterns that|| different societies have created for themselves,|
and can never be wholly divorced from|
a consideration of culturally institutionalized types of behavior.
a function of:由。。。决定
定于从句前置小结: 如果定语从句结构简单,信息负载量不大,翻译时前置。
定于从句的第二种翻译方式:后置 如果定语从句太复杂或里面包含的内容太多时,需要后置。
例1:Contemporary technological reporting is full of notions of electronic communities in which people interact across regions or entire continents.
Contemporary technological reporting | 现代技术报告
is full of notions of electronic communities | 充斥着电子社区的观念
in which people interact across regions or entire continents. 在这样的电子社区中人们可以跨地区或整个大陆地交流。
例2.For example, electronic communication filters out and alters much of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so on that seem important to fully human, morally engaged interaction.
For example, electronic communication filters out and alters | 例如,电子通讯过滤并且改变
much of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so on | 很多细微的,温暖的,内容的等等
that seem important to fully human, morally engaged interaction. 完全人性化的,设计道德的面对面的交流
技巧:seem是复数形式,所以定语从句的主语是前面的“much of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so on ”。 技巧:利用增词法翻译“much of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so on”这种比较抽象的地方。
形容“改变”的动词: Change(最低级的) alters vary
例3:Born to Win Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner.
例4:For individual sportsmen, pilots and drivers, speed had the status of a privileged substance to which, in those early days, only a minority had full access. Mechanized speed made men, and a few women, into heroes, and it remains a commodity to which males, in particular, are attracted.
For individual sportsmen, pilots and drivers, 对于个体的运动员,飞行员,驾驶员来说,
speed had the status of a privileged substance 速度具有一种物质的特权地位
to which, in those early days, only a minority had full access. 早期,只有少数人可以拥有。
Mechanized speed made men, and a few women, into heroes, 机械化的速度使得男性和少数女性成为了英雄,
and it remains a commodity 速度仍然是一种商品
to which males, in particular, are attracted. 尤其是男性对此趋之若鹜
例5:I have met such persons, and found that there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not have some facts or figures to produce, but whose points of view were appalling.
I have met such persons, and found that 我曾经碰到这儿样的人,发现(have met时态,表曾经)
there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not have some facts or figures to produce, 在谈话中的所有话题他们都能提出一些事实和数据 (这是一个双重否定no...did not,所以变成肯定)
but whose points of view were appalling. 但是他们的观点令人震惊。
completely+not 并非所有...;并不是都...
例:All that glitters not gold. 并不是所有发光的都是金子。
Both the windows are not open. 并非两扇窗户都是开着的。
Everybody does not believe the rumour. 并非所有人都会相信谣言。
never/no/not/none/nobody/nothing/nowhere/neither/nor/not at all
He is no professor. 他绝不是教授
None of my friends smoke. 我的朋友都不吸烟。
Our great motherland has never before being so prosperous as it is today. 我的祖国从没有像今天那样繁荣富强。
是指同一个句子中出现两个否定词,即否定之否定,可以用汉语的双重否定,也可以直接翻译为肯定。 not...not No spaceship can't be loaded with man. 所有宇宙飞船都可以载人。
The specification lacks detail. 这否说明书不够详尽。
The error in calculation escape the accountant. 会计没有注意到计算上的错误。
The newspaper...are far from ... 报纸的报道远非事实。
Her beauty is beyond reach 她的美丽无与伦比。
He is anything but scholar. 他绝对不是一个学者。
He is nothing but a scholar. 他就是一个学者。
The machine is working none the worse. 机器非常好。None the worse(没有。。。而不好)。
might as well 还不如
状语从句的翻译方法 英语中的状语从句可以直接翻译,但一般要把时间、条件、让步和原因状语从句翻译到主句之前。
例1:Infatuation often entails feelings of insecurity whenever the "lovers" are separated; feelings of doubt, fickleness, uncertainty, and fear of loss often accompany infatuation.
Infatuation often entails feelings of insecurity 痴情经常伴随而来的是不安全
whenever the "lovers" are separated; feelings of doubt, fickleness, uncertainty, and fear of loss often accompany infatuation. whenever翻译为(一旦) 一旦相爱的双方被分开;怀疑、犹豫不决、患得患失的感觉伴随痴情而来。
例2:Infatuation tends to be more manipulative than love because a lasting feeling of relationship probably has not developed, so that the individuals are still concerned mainly about their own needs and satisfactions.
Infatuation tends to be more manipulative than love because 痴情之所以比爱情更具有操控性因为
a lasting feeling of relationship probably has not developed, 一种长久的感情可能还没有建立,
so that the individuals are still concerned mainly 这样一来人们依然主要关心
about their own needs and satisfactions. 他们自己的需求和满足感。
例3:If man's mind cannot be turned into a logic-machine, neither can it function properly as a great emotional sponge, to be squeezed at will.
If man's mind cannot be turned into a logic-machine, 如果人的思维不能变成逻辑机器,
neither can it function properly as a great emotional sponge, to be squeezed at will. 他也不能成为巨大的感情海绵,可以被任意挤压。
例4:Death is a dramatic, one-time crisis while old age is a day-by-day and year-by-year confrontation with powerful external and internal forces, a bittersweet coming to terms with one's own personality and one's life.
Death is a dramatic, one-time crisis 死亡时戏剧性的、一次性的危机
while old age is a day-by-day and year-by-year confrontation with powerful external and internal forces, 然而老年时一天天的一年年的与内外压力的抗争,
a bittersweet coming to terms with one's own personality and one's life. 一个苦乐参半的过程,逐渐适应自己的性格和自己的生活。
coming to terms with 与...相适应
1.首先可以尝试主宾颠倒。 2.其次可以用让,给,叫,受到,得到,加以,得以,为...所,由...来,是...的等代替。必要的时候增加人们或者有人等泛指的主语。 3.少用被字。
The school was founded by laoyu. 这所学校是老余创建的。
The process of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural progression of the life cycle, the old completing their prescribed life spans and making way for the young.
The process of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural progression of the life cycle, 变老的过程和最后的死亡必须最终被认为是生命周期的自然进化
the old completing their prescribed life spans and making way for the young. 老年人完成了他们的既定的生命并让位给年轻人。
It is..... 形式主语可以当作词组翻译到句子最开头,用据.../有人.../...的是 It is reported that... 据报道 It is taken that... 有人认为 It is noticed that... 有人指出/有人认为 It is important that... 重要的是 It can not be denied that... 无可否认的是 It can be said whitout exaggeration that... 可以毫不夸张的说
可以先翻译后面部分 + 这是...的 It is difficult to do translation. 做翻译是很困难的 It is important that... 什么什么是很困难的
例1:For example, it has been reported that British businesses suffer around thirty major mishaps a year, revolving losses running into millions of pounds. These are caused by machine or human error and do not include human misuse in the form of fraud and sabotage. The cost of failures in domestically produced software in the United Kingdom alone is conservatively estimated at $ 900 million per year.
For example, it has been reported that British businesses suffer around thirty major mishaps a year, revolving losses running into millions of pounds. 例如,据报道,英国的企业一年遭遇30个主要损失,涉及高达数百万英镑的损失。
These are caused by machine or human error and do not include human misuse in the form of fraud and sabotage. 这些由机器或人为过失所造成,还不包括人类的以欺骗和破坏形式的滥用。
The cost of failures in domestically produced software in the United Kingdom alone is conservatively estimated at $ 900 million per year. 损失的代价在国内生产的软件中仅在英国保守估计达到一年9亿美元。
特殊句型的翻译——there be 句型
第一种翻译:先翻译英语的状语再加有 There is a temple on the hill. 在山上有一座庙。 There is cup on the table. 桌上有一杯子。 There are two monks in the temple. 庙里有两个和尚。
第二种翻译:增加人们,大家,我们等汉语的泛指主语 There is no agreement. 人们没有达成共识。
There will be a warm winter. 暖冬将至。
例1:There are many facts in a given historical period that can be easily stuffed into our mind, but discernment in the selection ofsignificant facts is a vastly more difficult thing and depends upon one's point of view.
There are many facts in a given historical period 在特定的历史时期有很多事实
that can be easily stuffed into our mind, 能轻易的进入我们的大脑
but discernment in the selection of significant facts is a vastly more difficult thing and depends upon one's point of view. 但在鉴别和选择重要事实方面却是更加重要的事情,并且取决于每个人的观点或态度
翻译题练习: 1. 拿到句子之后,5分钟左右模拟考试写下汉字 2. 十分钟以上查阅词典,分析英语,修改汉语 3. 五分钟以上对照译文巩固成果
阅读文章的翻译: 1. 15-20分钟模考 2. 翻译英语文章 3. 再做一遍题 4. 对答案 5. 巩固成果

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑