华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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华慧考博复习:新闻热词—— 中国青少年足球联赛



national youth football league


According to the Workplan for the China Youth Football League (CYFL) (2022-2024), jointly released by the Ministry of Education, the State General Administration of Sport (GAS) and the Chinese Football Association (CFA), the youth football league is open to all youth teams nationwide.


中国足协男足青训部部长、中国青少年足球联赛赛事办公室执行秘书乔岱虎介绍,(联赛)不设球员、球队参赛限制,体校代表队、学校代表队、职业俱乐部青训梯队、社会青训机构等都可参赛(whoever the team represents, either a public school, a training academy or a professional club can take part)。联赛设男、女各9个、共18个竞赛组别(the league matches will be categorized into 18 groups)。

国家体育总局青少司司长王立伟表示,只要坚持做下去,联赛一定会促使更多的人参与到足球这项运动中来,这也有利于发掘和培养更多潜力球员(I believe this league is conducive to the expansion of China's soccer population and the search and development of talented players as long as we keep doing it)。自2015年以来,中国已发布了一系列指导性政策文件,包括改革足协和职业联赛(reforming the CFA and the professional leagues),推动校园足球和社区足球发展(improving campus and community football),增加各级运动员、球队和俱乐部可使用的设施数量(increasing the number of facilities available to players, teams and clubs at all levels of the sport)。


中国足协 Chinese Football Association (CFA)

国家体育总局 State General Administration of Sport (GAS)

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