华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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M: Can you stay focused //for the full six minutes? Sounds easy? Maybe not,// because today we're talking about our attention spans:// are they shrinking?
W: Yes, a report said //the average human attention span has fallen //to just eight seconds.
M: Can that be true? Goldfish reportedly have an attention span //of nine seconds. Human attention span is now shorter// than that of a goldfish?
W: Yes. Smartphones, the internet, social media-these all certainly do take up a lot of our attention.
M: OK, but some psychologists said //for someone// distracted by their smartphone //or// wanting to quickly Google something,// it doesn't mean //that they don't have the ability// to control and sustain their attention //when they carry out another task.

M: Can you stay focused //for the full six minutes? Sounds easy? Maybe not,// because today we're talking about our attention spans:// are they shrinking?
W: Yes, a report said //the average human attention span has fallen //to just eight seconds.
M: Can that be true? Goldfish reportedly have an attention span //of nine seconds. Human attention span is now shorter// than that of a goldfish?
W: Yes. Smartphones, the internet, social media-these all certainly do take up a lot of our attention.
M: OK, but some psychologists said //for someone// distracted by their smartphone //or// wanting to quickly Google something,// it doesn't mean //that they don't have the ability// to control and sustain their attention //when they carry out another task.

M: Can you stay focused //for the full six minutes? Sounds easy? Maybe not,// because today we're talking about our attention spans:// are they shrinking?
W: Yes, a report said //the average human attention span has fallen //to just eight seconds.
M: Can that be true? Goldfish reportedly have an attention span //of nine seconds. Human attention span is now shorter// than that of a goldfish?
W: Yes. Smartphones, the internet, social media-these all certainly do take up a lot of our attention.
M: OK, but some psychologists said //for someone// distracted by their smartphone //or// wanting to quickly Google something,// it doesn't mean //that they don't have the ability// to control and sustain their attention //when they carry out another task.

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑