华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1. 寻找谓语动词


  1) 如果引导词前面是个名词,则要根据情况来判断是定语从句还是同位语从句;

  2) 如果引导词前面是实义动词,说明这个从句是宾语从句;

  3) 如果引导词前面是系动词,说明这个从句是表语从句;

  4) 如果谓语动词前面是状语从句的引导词,说明这个从句是状语从句;


  例题:This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in,a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a lossinl989.

  2. 寻找并列连词

  常见的并列连词有:and,but,yet,or,so,for,not only…but also…,neither…nor,to get her with 等等。有这些单词的句子里一般就有并列结构存在,并且很可能存在着省略现象,因此注意要推断出省略的成分。

  例题:They are the possessions of the autonomous(self-governing) man of traditional theory,and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.

  3. 寻找引导词


  名词性从句的连接词:that,what(ever),who(ever),where,when,why,how,whether. . . or not 等。

  定语从句的关系代词和关系副词:that,which,who,whom,whose,as,when,where,why 等。

  状语从句的关系连接词:when,while,as,though,although,where,even if 等。

  例题:Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which,in its strongest form,states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.

  4. 寻找名词


  例题:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we call expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.

  5. 分清非谓语和独立主格结构

  -个句子的主句最重要的特征就是有完整的主谓结构,尤其是要有独立的谓语部分。do/does 和is/am/ are 的各种时态变化都可以作谓语,但是单纯的to do/doing/done 和to be/being 的形式是不可以作谓语的。一个看似句子的结构。如果没有独立的谓语部分,那它就不是一个句子,而是分词短语或者独立主格结构。

  经典例句:With as many as 120 varieties in existence,discovering how cancer works is not easy。

  6. 分辨语法结构


  经典例句:Today,stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn,among other things,that you might-surprise! -fall off.

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑