华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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华慧考博英语复习:以县城为重要载体的城镇化建设 urbanization with a focus on county towns


China has released guidelines demanding various localities across the country promote urbanization with a focus on county towns. The guidelines, jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council General Office, said that by 2025, major progress will be seen in the drive.

《意见》从科学把握功能定位、培育县城特色优势产业(cultivate competitive industries)、完善市政设施体系(improve public infrastructure)、强化公共服务供给、提高县城辐射带动乡村能力等方面着手,推进以县城为重要载体的城镇化建设。

《意见》进一步明确要科学把握功能定位,分类引导县城发展方向,并明确五类县城的发展路径(devise differentiated paths of development for five major types of county seats),包括:加快发展大城市周边县城(those close to metropolises),积极培育专业功能县城(those with an industrial edge or specific functions),合理发展农产品主产区县城(agriculture-intensive ones),有序发展重点生态功能区县城(those of ecological significance),以及引导人口流失县城(those suffering from population outflows)转型发展。

城乡融合发展 integrated urban-rural development
新型城镇化战略 new urbanization strategy
户籍制度改革 reform of the household registration system

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