China launched cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-4 on Tuesday to deliver supplies for its space station which is scheduled to wrap up construction this year.
据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间5月10日1时56分,搭载天舟四号货运飞船的长征七号遥五运载火箭(the Long March-7 Y5 rocket),在我国文昌航天发射场点火发射(blasted off),约10分钟后,飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道(separated from the rocket and entered its designated orbit),2时23分,飞船太阳能帆板顺利展开工作(the solar panels of the cargo craft unfolded and began working),发射取得圆满成功。
在历经数小时的飞行后,天舟四号顺利"牵手"空间站天和核心舱与天舟三号组合体 (successfully docked with the combination of the space station core module Tianhe and Tianzhou-3 cargo craft)。
货运飞船 cargo spacecraft:
空间站核心舱 space station core module
太阳能面板 solar panels
交会对接 rendezvous and docking