China's inflation is expected to remain mild and controllable this year, leaving room for macro policy fine-tuning and adjustment, experts and analysts said on Wednesday.
5月11日,国家统计局发布的数据显示,4月份,全国居民消费价格指数(the country's consumer price index)同比上涨2.1%,创下五个月来的最大涨幅,鲜菜、鲜果、柴油价格均有所上涨(rising prices of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and diesel fuel)。消费价格指数是衡量通货膨胀水平的重要指标(a main gauge of inflation)。
中国民生银行首席研究员温彬将消费价格指数上涨归因于食品和能源价格的上涨(attribute the growth in consumer inflation to food and energy),并指出要警惕国际商品价格上涨引起的输入性通胀压力(inflation pressure amid rising international commodity prices)。他表示,中国通胀整体处于温和可控水平(China's overall inflation level is mild and controllable),预期货币政策将持续加大对受疫情影响严重行业企业的支持力度(increase monetary policy support for hard-hit enterprises and sectors amid COVID-19 outbreaks)。
助企纾困 help ease enterprises' burden
促进经济运行在合理区间 promote economic growth to a reasonable range
中下游制造业企业 midstream and downstream manufacturing enterprises
保供稳价 ensure stable supplies and prices