华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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                        A ‘Sea of Bodies’: How a Festive Night in Seoul Turned Deadly

It was supposed to be a festive evening, throngs of raucous youngsters dressed as zombies, princesses and super heroes converging on one of Seoul’s most popular nightlife districts for their first restriction-free Halloween celebration since the pandemic began.



  • throngs of  一大群,众多


  • raucous /'rɔːkəs/ 不礼貌的; 嘈杂的; 激烈的: impolite, noisy, and violent,比如说:•A group of raucous students spilled out of the bar.一群吵闹的学生从酒吧里蜂拥而出。


Late Saturday evening, they crowded into bars and nightclubs pumping out the latest K-pop hits and spilled out into the tight alleys that wind through the city’s Itaewon neighborhood. They snacked on the Greek, Turkish, Italian and other international foods for which the diverse district is known.



As the night grew more frenetic and the mass of revelers swelled, many of them crammed into an alleyway barely 11 feet wide, in a bottleneck of human traffic that made it difficult to breathe and move. There were few police officers around, and from within the crowd came calls to “push, push” and a big shove, according to witnesses. Then, they began to fall, a tangle of too many bodies, compressed into too small of a space.



Zen Ogren, 32, found herself stuck in a packed and sweltering club alongside the narrow alleyway, a thoroughfare connecting a strip of bars to a busy subway station and a popular spot for taking photographs. Outside the club’s door, people were yelling, “Please don’t come out, people are dying,” she said. Security guards urged the crowds to not jostle, but many pushed forward, stepping on top of those who had fallen.



  • packed · 异常拥挤的;挤满人的 extremely full of people,相当于crowded ,比如说:The restaurant was packed. 餐馆里坐满了客人。The show played to packed houses (= large audiences).演出场场观众爆满。 


  • sweltering热得难受的:extremely hot and uncomfortable,比如说:•sweltering August days热得要命的八月天


In the end, more than 150 people, most of them in their 20s and 30s, died, crushed under the surge of the crowd.



The tragedy — one of South Korea’s worst peacetime disasters — and questions about the authorities’ responsibility to manage the crowd, has marred the image of South Korea, a thriving technology and pop-culture powerhouse that is chronically prone to man-made disasters. It has also added to political woes of the country’s beleaguered president, Yoon Suk Yeol, already suffering low approval ratings with a growing number of people out on the street demanding his resignation.



As the sun set on Itaewon on Sunday evening, a mournful and subdued atmosphere suffused the neighborhood. The police closed the streets to traffic in the area, where shuttered bars and restaurants put up signs of condolences. On the sidewalks, impromptu memorials of flowers and liquor formed makeshift shrines to the victims.



Seo Kun, 27, a student from China, was in the crush of the crowd near the front. Around her, she said, people shouted, “I’m dying.” The woman next to her went silent and stopped breathing.



Ms. Seo planned to stay in South Korea after completing graduate school, but she has changed her mind. “I want to go home,” she said. “I want to stay with my parents.”


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