华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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华慧考博英语:有效发明专利产业化率 industrialization transfer rate of effective patents



The industrialization transfer rate of China's effective patents in 2022 reached a five-year high of 36.7 percent, an annual survey said on Dec 28. Issued by the National Intellectual Property Administration, the survey said the patent industrialization rate for enterprise patentees was 48.1 percent this year.



We will increase investment in science and technology through diverse channels and strengthen legal protection of intellectual property rights, in order to establish a foundational system for all-around innovation.




China needs to coordinate IPR protection, anti-monopoly, and fair competition reviews to promote the orderly flow and efficient allocation of innovation resources.




National Intellectual Property Administration


patent holder


digital copyright

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