华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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       The bar chart compares the online activities people chose to do in a UK city in two particular years: 2007 and 2009.

  It is clear that in the year 2007,a comparatively large percentage of people used the Internet for some practical purposes: with the largest proportion of netizens using the internet for shopping (approximately 43%), then next is to buy books with 38%, followed by banking and learning. By contrast, a small proportion of people used the Internet for entertainment, constituting 25% (with video games and TV representing 15% and 10% respectively).

  In comparison, most of the activities attracted a larger rate of people in 2009, whereas shopping for books and learning experienced a marginal decrease, each accounting for 30% and 25%. In contrast, a significant growth can be seen in the calories of shopping, booking and watching TV, rising by around 10%.

Overall, the chart suggests that in the year 2009 online shopping was still the most popular online activity, while more people used the Internet for entertainment.


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