华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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Surveys show Chinese entrepreneurs, bankers remain optimistic about macroeconomy


Chinese entrepreneurs and bankers expressed optimism for the country's macroeconomy in the second quarter of this year, the latest central bank surveys showed on Thursday.


The entrepreneur macroeconomy heat index came in at 30.9 percent in the second quarter, up 4.3 percentage points year on year, according to a survey from the People's Bank of China.


About 59.9 percent of surveyed entrepreneurs from 5,000 businesses said they thought the macroeconomy was operating normally in the second quarter.


A separate central bank survey on bankers showed that their macroeconomy heat index was at 37.8 percent in the second quarter of this year, with 62.4 percent of surveyed bankers saying the macroeconomy was operating at a normal level.


The banker outlook index for macroeconomy heat rose to 44.7 percent for the third quarter, 6.9 percentage points higher than the results of the second quarter, the survey showed.


It also showed that aggregate loan demand rose in the second quarter, with the index up 5.6 percentage points from the previous quarter to 62.2 percent.



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