华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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ASEAN-China 12.1 billion yuan economic cooperation deals inked


Seven economic cooperation projects worth 12.1 billion yuan between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and ASEAN countries were signed Sunday in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen.


The signing was completed during the 2023 ASEAN-China Greater Bay Area Economic Cooperation (Qianhai) Forum that ran from July 29 to 30, which covered industrial park construction, digital economy and agricultural cooperation.


The Greater Bay Area-ASEAN International Chamber of Commerce Alliance and the China-ASEAN Think Tank Partnership were established at the forum. The forum also resulted in an initiative concerning a closer Greater Bay Area-ASEAN economic partnership.


The initiative proposes enhanced economic cooperation and strengthened people-to-people connections. Concrete measures include supporting the China-ASEAN Center to set up a representative office in Shenzhen, exploring the establishment of a Greater Bay Area-ASEAN Industrial Development Investment Fund, holding the "Greater Bay Area-ASEAN Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition," and establishing a network for cooperation among universities, think tanks, and research institutions from both sides.



粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

高质量发展 high-quality development

陆海新通道 New Land-Sea Corridor

中国-东盟战略伙伴关系2030年愿景 the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030

更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体 a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future

(来源:新华社  编辑:yaning)

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