华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1. Stephen Jay Gould, a famous evolutionary biologist and ______ author who influenced his field for decades, died Monday.

A. sinister

B. sham

C. prolific

D. prospective

2. I haven’t read that book, but just from looking over the_____, I think it would be worth reading.

A. forefront

B. foreword

C. forehead

D. forenote


1. How long does it ________ (花费) you to finish reading the book?


2. The thief ______ ______ ______(被判)three years in prison for stealing some money from the store. 句意:这个小偷因为从商店偷了一些钱而被判三年监禁。

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