例1: 2020年医学统考真题(例题选自《华慧医学考博英语一本通》)
The second trend is the growing tide of anti-scientific thinking and resistance to evidence-based medicine. In low-income countries, skepticism about vaccines is an everlasting challenge, but what we are seeing in the United States and Europe is something very different, and very dangerous. The growing refusal of parents in high-income countries to vaccinate their children is the tip of an iceberg that could sink us all in the event of an epidemic demanding rapid vaccine deployment and acceptance.
79. What can be said of the second trend mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A. Skepticism about vaccines can be tackled easily.
B. Anti-scientific thinking is not serious in low-income countries.
C. High-income countries should learn from low income countries.
D. Parental resistance to vaccinating their children can be disaster.
【解析】。选项D“父母拒绝给他们的孩子接种疫苗可能是灾难性的” 就是文中长难句“The growing refusal of parents in high-income countries to vaccinate their children is the tip of an iceberg that could sink us all in the event of an epidemic demanding rapid vaccine deployment and acceptance. 高收入国家越来越多的父母拒绝给孩子接种疫苗,这只是一个冰山一角,如果爆发一场需要迅速部署和接受疫苗的疫情,我们所有人都会被淹没。”简化之后的同义替换。故正确答案为D。选项 A:“对疫苗的怀疑很容易解决”;选项B“反科学思想在低收入国家并不严重”;选项C“高收入国家应该向低收入国家学习”。
A family approach to health care is recommended for immigrant groups. If the whole family can be involved in the health-care program, the individual members are likely to be less fearful. Family-oriented programs may begin with practical advice about the neighborhood: locations of grocery stores, where to apply for food stamps, and how to look for work. Any programs: developed for immigrant families must be offered at convenient times and places because they may not have the knowledge or resources to travel freely in their new community.
74. Which of the following is important when the family approach is adopted?
A. Sufficient resources should be guaranteed to ensure the success.
B. The daily life of the family should be cared for first and foremost.
C. Fear among family members should be relieved at the beginning stage.
D. What is included in the programs should be both practical and practicable
【解析】文中“Family-oriented programs may begin with practical advice about the neighborhood..…以家庭为导向的项目可能会从有关社区生活的实用建议开始……”,可知采取家庭保健项目要根据实际家庭的周边情况执行,这属于选项D中的“practical”的原词复现;根据文中“Any programs developed for immigrant families must be offered at convenient times and places推断知道:执行措施要因时因地制宜,要求有一定的可行性,这属于选项D中的practicable 的同义替换,所以,选项D“项目所包含的内容应该既实用又要可行”正确。选项A“要有足够的资源来保证成功”;选项 B“首先要关心家庭的日常生活”;选项C“家庭成员之间的恐惧在开始阶段就应该消除”。
Beyond the basic animal instincts to seek food and avoid pain, Freud identified two sources of psychic energy, which he called “drives”: aggression and libido, The key to his theory is that these were unconscious drives, shaping our behavior without the mediation of our waking minds, they surface, heavily disguised, only in our dreams. The work of the past half-century in psychology and neuroscience has been to downplay the role of unconscious universal drives, focusing instead on rational processes in conscious life. But researchers have found evidence that Freud's drives really do exist, and they have their roots in the limbic system, a primitive part of the brain that operates mostly below the horizon of consciousness. Now more commonly referred to as emotions the modern suite of drives comprises five: rage, panic, separation distress, lust and a variation on libido sometimes called seeking.
The seeking drive is proving a particularly fruitful subject for researchers. Although like the others it originates in the limbic system, it also involves parts of the forebrain, the seat of higher mental functions. In the 1980s, Jaak Panksepp, a neurobiologist at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, became interested in a place near the cortex known as the ventral tegmental area, which in humans lies just above the hairline. When Panksepp stimulated the corresponding region in a mouse, the animal would sniff the air and walk around, as though it were looking for something. Was it hungry? No. The mouse would walk right by a plate of food, or for that matter any other object Panksepp could think of. This brain tissue seemed to cause a general desire for something new. “What I was seeing," he says, “was the urge to do stuff." Panksepp called this seeking.
To neuropsychologist Mark Solms of University College in London, that sounds very much like libido. “Freud needed some sort of general, appetitive desire to seek pleasure in the world of objects,”says Solms.“Panksepp discovered as a neuroscientist what Freud discovered psychologically," Solms studied the same region of the brain for his work on dreams. Since the1 970s, neurologists have known that dreaming takes place during a particular form of sleep known as REM-rapid eye movement-which is associated with a primitive part of the brain known as the pons. Accordingly, they regarded dreaming as a low-level phenomenon of no great psychological interest. When Solms looked into it, though, it turned out that the key structure involved in dreaming was actually the ventral tegmental, the same structure that Panksepp had identified as the seat of the“seeking”emotion. Dreams, it seemed, originate with the libido-which is just what Freud had believed.
87. Which of the following terms is equivalent to what Freud called libido?
A. Emotion B. Lust C. Seeking. D. Urge.
【解析】由第二段中“What I was seeing,”he says,“was the urge to do stuff.” Panksepp called this seeking."(雅克·潘克塞普说:“我所看到的是想做某种事情的冲动”他将其称之为“追求”)与第三段中“To neuropsychologist Mark Solms of University College in London, that sounds very much like libido.对于伦敦大学学院的神经心理学家马克·萨姆斯来说,这听起来非常像性欲。”的对应知C项“追求”正确。