建议信写作模板 Dear________, You have asked me for my advice with regard to________________, and I will try to make some conducive suggestions here. In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ___________(建议的内容). I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Good luck with your________________(祝愿). Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 建议信必备佳句 第一部分:说明写信的目的 套语: (1) 来信收到,得知你下个月要对中国进行一次为期十天的访问,我建议…… I have received your letter saying that you plan to have a ten-day visit to China next month. I recommend that… (2) 写此信是要提出我对进一步提高和改进饭店管理的建议——建立我们自己的网站来吸引更多的客户。 I am writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of our hotel so as to establish a website of our own to attract more clients. 第二部分:介绍详情、说明原因 套语: (1) 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. (2) 我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00. (3) 下午,我们会一起…… During the afternoon, we’ll...together. (4) 记得带上水和午餐。 Remember to take water and lunch with you. (5) 顺便说一下,你可以乘坐322路公交车,它会直接把你带到俱乐部。 By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 and it will take you directly to the club. (6) 我知道你的母语是英语,还是一名英语老师。我代表我们学校真诚地邀请你来比赛现场。 I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school, sincerely invite you to be part of the contest. (7) 既然你如此渴望提高英语,这会是一个很好的机会。 Since you are so eager to improve your English, it will prove to be a great chance. (8) 我保证你在那里会过得很愉快。 I’m sure that you will enjoy yourself there. 第三部分:提出建议 套语: 我建议…… I’d like to suggest that… May I suggest that…? In my opinion… I would like to make a recommendation that… I am writing to advise… If I were you, I would… 第四部分:希望采纳建议,并表示谢意,盼望回复 套语: (1) 对你就此事的关注不胜感激。 Thank you for your attention. (2) 请仔细考虑我的建议,谢谢。 Please take good consideration of my advice. Thanks.