华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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Dear respectable professors,
  It's my great honor to introduce myself here. My name is _______.I come from______.I have got a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from northeast normal university. My undergraduate major is Chinese language and literature, and my master's major is education. After that, I started my career as a high school Chinese teacher.
  I have six years of scientific research experience, during which I have completed four scientific research projects, and published many papers on education. One of the academic achievements has been put into practice and achieved good results. In these years, I believe I have made great progress in the understanding of theoretical knowledge and practical ability. During this period, I found that I prefer literature to education, so I want to be a university teacher to share my understanding of literature with students, and I yearn for better learning opportunities to improve myself and realize my dream.
  As I grow older, I realize that time is precious. I think people should spend their time on the things they like, so that life is meaningful. There is an old Chinese saying that one is never too old to learn. I think with the rapid development of society, people's learning ability plays an increasingly important role in personal development. That's why I decided to continue studying in this field, and I believe I'm doing the right thing. 

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考博英语协议通关班 所有的专项;名师课程,详细讲解专项的解题思路、方法和技巧。 200课时 3980元
考博英语系统全程班 所有专项+冲刺班课程 名师授课 随报随学 200课时 1880元
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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑