华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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One commonality is the strong association of military and political might with physical fitness throughout mankind's advancement. In many ways, this shows how impacting our world leaders can be on health and fitness. The mind-boby concept has had a tenuous development. At times, some cultures prescribed spirituality at the expense of the body whereas others, such as Greek society, upheld the ideal that a sound mind can only be found in a healthy body.
一种共性是军事和政治力量与人类整个进步过程中身体健康的紧密联系。 从许多方面来看,这表明了我们的世界领导人如何影响健康和健身。 心态概念已经有了微弱的发展。 有时,某些文化以牺牲身体为代价来规定灵性,而其他文化(例如希腊社会)则坚持只有在健康的身体中才能找到健全的思想的理想。
might在这里不是情态动词的用法,而是名词,表示“力量”。some cultures prescribed spirituality at the expense of the body whereas others, such as Greek society, upheld the ideal that a sound mind can only be found in a healthy body.中,whereas作为连词,表示对比转折的含义。这句话概念相对抽象,要注意措辞尽可能符合原句的意境。



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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑