三、实例讲解(选自2020年医学博士英语样卷) 1.A. Food packagingB. Safety of processed foods C. Concern about sugar intakeD. Maintenance of a healthy diet 2.A. RedB. Orange C. GreenD. Brown 3. A. IndifferenceB. Resentment C. OverreactionD. Undervaluation
第二步:听音重点和记录内容。 根据常见听音重点内容,结合上述预测方向,更针对性听取重要内容。 第一题听文章开头或全文逻辑: “I’m always seeing the news these days that we’re eating too much sugar. And one important factor is that sugars are sometimes hidden in processed foods.” 第二题记录各颜色关联的信息: “Red for high levels of sugar, salt or fat, orange for medium, and green for low.” 注意最后问题具体问及哪个颜色。 第三题记录态度内容: “M: That sounds helpful; W: But one problem we see in nutrition is sort of this focusing on any individual foods. Sugar is demonized. People link it to drugs. And I think this is the wrong way forward.”注意转折之后的内容,并注意最后问题具体问及男性还是女性的态度。
第三步:确定答案。 第一题:“对话中主要讨论了什么?”文章开头则提及“我们吃太多糖了,而且糖有时隐藏在加工食品中”。后文则提及怎么寻找糖分在食品中的比重信息等,则C项正确。 第二题:“哪一种颜色表示糖含量低? ”根据“green for low 绿色表示(糖分)低”可知C项正确。 第三题:“根据这位女士的说法,人们对糖的态度有什么问题?”因此,根据“People link it to drugs. And I think this is the wrong way forward.人们把它与毒品联系起来。我认为这是错误的方向。”可知,C项正确。
【音频文本】 M: I’m always seeing the news these days that we’re eating too much sugar. And one important factor is that sugars are sometimes hidden in processed foods. W: Do you check the information on the back of food packets, Rob? M: Yes, I do. But it can be very confusing. There’s so much information. W: Some food products have colour coding on the packaging to help you understand the information. Red for high levels of sugar, salt or fat, orange for medium, and green for low. M: That sounds helpful. W: But one problem we see in nutrition is sort of this focusing on any individual foods. Sugar is demonized. People link it to drugs. And I think this is the wrong way forward.
Question number 1: What is mainly discussed in the conversation? Question number 2: Which colour is mentioned to represent low levels of sugar? Question number3: According to the woman, what is the problem with people’s attitude towards sugar? 以上为华慧考博老师根据全国医学考博英语统考听力新大纲的长对话要点总结的一些做题技巧与要点。考生们可以在复习考博英语听力的时候根据以上技巧与要点进行有针对性的复习,可以大大提升复习的效果。 想看更多考博英语复习方法与技巧,请关注华慧考博网(www.hhkaobo.com)一个专业的考博英语培训平台。每天都为您更新最新最全的考博咨讯以及考博真题资料!