华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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Love is the permanent topic of all times. When it comes to how to express love to others, people cant help giving their own interpretation and understanding of love. Some people claim that love can be expressed in different ways, even opposite ways. This claim is totally justified, from my perspective, as can be seen in the following paragraphs.
  On the one hand, people can convey their love not only by means of verbal but nonverbal language. We can feel love from what someone say. For example, we often express our praise, support, encouragement and care to our family or friends through words. The words between lovers is always regarded as the most touching and sentimental love for us, which is also considered the most romantic love in the world. In terms of nonverbal language to express love, there are all kinds ways in which people can show their love, including kissing, hugging, writing a poem or letter, singing or dancing for someone.
On the other hand, the opposite way of expressing love is universal in people’s life. Sometimes criticism, punishment ,scold and warning can also convey love to others. Just as the proverb says, love well, whip well. Take our parents for example. It is our parents who always remind us of our mistakes and even punish us when we make big mistakes. There seem to be apparent distinctions between mother’s love and father’s love because mother’s love is tender and considerate while father’s love is tough and silent. Similarly,teachers often criticize students when they disobey the school rules, with a view to making them better people and improving their grades.
From what we have discussed above, there is strong evidence that love have diverse expressions even in opposite way. My advice is that we should feel love with our sensitive heart so that we can identify the love around us.
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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑