华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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以下我们以2020年《经济学人》2月刊中某篇题目为 Big techs 2trn bull run(科技巨头200亿牛市挺进)中的某一段为例。来说明如何写某一段落摘要。
All this means that ,far from having peaked, anger may be in the foothills. Executives hope that slick lobbying will protect them. But even today, the picture outside America is not of inaction but a tumult of regulatory experiments. China keeps its Internet giants under tacit state control and wants to rely lee on Silicon Valley, including Apple, which is already dealing with the covid-19 virus and other headwinds there. At least 27countries have or are considering digital taxes. India has cracked down on commerce and online speech. The European Union wants individuals to own and control their own data, an approach this newspaper favours, although it may take years of innovation to create a system that is easy for consumers to use and profit from. This week the EU proposed curbs on artificial intelligence. Even in America, trustbusters may limit big techs ability to gobble up startups, a strategy which has been instrumental to the success of Alphabet and Facebook in particular.
本段是全文第11, 也是属于总结性的段落之一。本段结构是属于总分总结构,且中间多夹杂一些说明性例子。通读整段,会发现本段主要意思落在前面的三句上面,特别是“Executives hope that slick lobbying will protect them. But even today, the picture outside America is not of inaction but a tumult of regulatory experiments.管理者们希望巡回游说以能够保护自身利益,但是今天来看,美国以外情况要么是不作为要么处于一片试行措施的混乱中”。
意思也和本段最后一句:“Even in America, trustbusters may limit big techs ability to gobble up startups, a strategy which has been instrumental to the success of Alphabet and Facebook in particular.即使在美国,政策制定者也许只能限制大公司去吞并新兴企业的能力,这一策略也只特定针对Alphabet Facebook公司奏效”相呼应。摘要写作时可以浓缩段落前三句为“Facing the relative peak of anger, the big techs search for protection from government.面对相对达到高峰的愤怒,大公司寻求政府的帮助”。
对于文章中间部分提到China, India, EU,等国家和组织所采取的试行行政策举例。在阅读完“China keeps its Internet giants under tacit state control and wants to rely lee on Silicon Valley, including Apple, which is already dealing with the covid-19 virus and other headwinds there. At least 27countries have or are considering digital taxes. India has cracked down on commerce and online speech.”得知这两句讲到了相关国家对于techlash试行调节政策。“The European Union wants individuals to own and control their own data, an approach this newspaper favours, although it may take years of innovation to create a system that is easy for consumers to use and profit from. This week the EU proposed curbs on artificial intelligence. Even in America, trustbusters may limit big techs ability to gobble up startups…,”知道这两句讲到了国际组织对于techlash试行调节政策的描述。关于例子的总结和语言转化,我们不能逐句摘要,将所有例子中提到的共性和特性进行分析总结,然后用自己的话总结出其提炼出“But governments from different countries as well as international organization only perform experimental measures to constrain the expansion of them experimentally and strategically, but with less-effectively.但是来自不同国家和国际组织的的政府仅仅使用了一些试行措施策略性调整,没产生较大效果”。
最后讲明如果有必要可以补充一下美国政策产生的影响。如:“America has also no more than having particular restrictions.”。

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