华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1.Even though they were already late, they ______________ (宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.
2. No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties, as _________________. (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场)
3. The pills __________________ (本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的), but he didn't follow the doctor's advice and take them regularly.
4. _______________________(你真好,给了我那么多帮助);I really feel obliged to you.
5. The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years ____________________.(他们才得以重聚)

1. Even though they were already late, they would rather stop for the beautiful view (宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.
2. No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties, as either side refuses to soften their positions. (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场)
3. The pills could have cured the cancer patient (本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的), but he didn't follow the doctor's advice and take them regularly.
4. It is really kind of you to give me so much help(你真好,给了我那么多帮助);I really feel obliged to you.
5. The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years before they were able to reunite.

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑