华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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After the operation to remove the tumor, my __1__ told me that I was cured. At first, I didnt __2__ him. I thought he was humoring me, stringing me along because he wanted me to be happy in my final months. Gradually, though, I began to believe that he was telling me the truth and that I did indeed have a life __3__ of me. Because I didn't want my brush with death simply to become a bad memory, I started to change the way I ran my life. I finished the photography project that summer. Then I applied for __4__ at my local college in the fall.
1. A. physician                   B. assistant            C. surgeon         D. clinician
2. A. believe in             B. believe              C. entrust     D. deprive
3. A. beforehand            B. ahead         C. forecast            D. underneath
4. A. test             B. quiz             C. examination      D. matriculation

1.C  词义辨析。physician“内科医生”;assistant“助手;助教”;surgeon“外科医生”;clinician“临床医生”。由空格前“After the operation to remove the tumor在摘除这个肿瘤的手术后”的对应知这里指代“外科医生”,由此知C项正确。
2.B  词义辨析。believe in“信仰;信任”;believe“相信;认为;信任”;entrust“委托;信托”;deprive“使丧失,剥夺”。由空格后“I thought he was humoring me我认为他正在迎合我”的对应知“相信”符合语境,由此知B项正确。
3.B  词义辨析。由空格前“I did indeed have a life我确实还有一个人生”的对应知这里指代“在我的前面”,故B项构成的“ahead of在……前”正确。beforehand “事先;预先”;forecast “预报;预示”;underneath“在……的下面;在……的支配下”。
4.D  词义辨析。test“试验;检验”;quiz“考查;课堂测验”;examination“考试;检查;查问”;matriculation“入学考试;录取入学”。由空格后“at my local college在我当地的大学”的对应知“入学考试”符合语境,故D项正确
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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑