考博院校试题中,英译汉是占比较重的题型。英译汉的考点通常是单词、长难句、上下文语境的理解。因此,针对英译汉的复习,同学们不仅要掌握基础量的单词,而且需要具备句子分析和理解的能力,同时,需要熟悉文章的具体语境,以更为精准地表达原意。翻译题材涉及很广,如科普,社会生活,人文历史,政治经济等,所以,需要准备多方面的英译汉题材。翻译体裁一般为议论文、说明文或理论性比较强的文章。关于英译汉的标准,首先是“信”,即忠实原文的准确度,其次是“达”,即符合汉语表达习惯的通顺度,最后是“雅”,即译文表达的艺术性。博士英语考试中,英译汉主要以三种形式出现,一是句子翻译,二是(一段或多段)翻译,三是划线翻译,接下来华慧考博老师将为大家举例说明! 如下示例: 句子翻译: The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.(成功之残酷正在于,它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭。) 段落翻译: Classical science will have to thrive in order for the third culture to thrive, since technology is so derivative of the scientific process. The question I would like to posit is: If the culture of technology should dominate our era, how do we pay attention to science? For although science may feed technology, technology is steadily changing how we do science, how we think of science, and what it means to be a scientist.(为了第三种文化的繁荣,传统科学必须繁荣起来,因为技术是科学过程的衍生品。我想提出的问题是:如果科技文化主宰我们这个时代,那么我们如何关注科学?因为,尽管科学产生技术,但是,技术正稳步地改变我们做科学的方式,我们对科学的看法,以及成为科学家的意义。) 划线翻译: Our best college students are very good at being critical. In fact, being smart, for many, means being critical. Having strong critical skills shows that you will not be easily fooled. It is a sign of sophistication, especially when coupled with an acknowledgment of one’s own “privilege.”(拥有强大的批判技能表明你将不会轻易地被愚弄。它是一种老练的标志,当其与承认自己的“特权”相结合时,更是如此。)
二、考博英语之英译汉方法 1. 从句的灵活译法 1.1简单定语从句的方法 1)合并法:将英语的定语从句用“…的”修饰;将英文的复合句变简单句; A youngsterwho has no playmates of his age living nearby may benefit greatly from attending a nursery school. 附近没有同龄玩伴的儿童可以从托儿所学到很多。
分译法:即化整为零;当英语定语很长时,把定于从句译成并列的分句,置原来修饰词之后。 It applies equally to traditional historians who views history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.——并列的分句修饰“谬误”。
2. 倍数翻译 ①A is 6 times as large as B 或者A is 6 times larger than B ——两句可翻译为“A是B的6倍” 或者“A比B大5倍”. 当翻译成“是..的几倍”,用原数 当翻译成“比..高(大..)”,少一数
②A has increased (by) three times,此句中有无by, 都翻译为增加了2倍——少一数。 与times相同的是fold:a seven-fold increase=increase seven times增加了6倍/是原来的7倍。 注:英语中increase two times 已经是最小值了,即增加1倍。
10.词义的选择和表达,需要考虑在文章中的具体意思。 …….who is a good Christian, a good parent, child, wife or husband. 虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫。 11. 四字格的汉语更出色: vigor,industry,enterprise,foresight and creative skill :充满活力、勤劳进取、富有远见和创造力。 12. 汉语是述叙在前,评论再后。
13. 减少语法层次,简化句子:It is not that they fear that if they drink cloned milk, they are going to choke and die. 直接连接,并不是说,他们喝到。。会噎到。(汉语减少层次)