华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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My View on Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty has become one of the most serious problems in educational circles. (直奔主题)It includes plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating, sabotage and academic fraud.(名词解释) I contend there are a lot of negative results if we cheat in academic works.(自己观点)

Dependency on Cell Phone
Nowadays, an increasing number of people begin to find cell phone the most important part of their daily necessities and they may feel uncomfortable in absence of their cell phones. (直奔主题) This is mainly caused by the following reasons. (文章中心)

Staying in the Same Job or Changing Job?
Whether we should stay in the same job for the same company is an issue that is discussed by people in the private and public sectors. Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. (他人观点) Still there are some advantages for each choice of them.(自己观点)

方法四: 时间对比引入+自己观点
Should the Private Be Developed in China?
Private cars, in most developed countries, used to be the counterpart of bicycles in China. (过去) Nevertheless, more and more Chinese people have cars of their own nowadays. It is an indication of the lifted living standard of Chinese people. (现在) However, in my opinion, private ownership of cars should not be encouraged in China. (自己观点)

Why do we choose to enter university? Different people may have different answers to this question. (设问) Many people consider university education as a springboard towards better jobs or higher salary, and to get a degree is their only goal. (他人观点) In my opinion, this is not the real goal of our university education, which, however, should be discussed in the following aspects. (自己观点)

How to Improve the Care for the Elderly
Recently, a piece of news that an old couple managed to invite six pairs of elderly people to join the group for old-age care has triggered off (引发) public heated discussions about appropriate ways to care for the aged. (新闻引入) Indeed, the elderly who live in smaller social circles often feel disconnected from mainstream society and have a sense of idleness and loneliness. (分析现状) Therefore, it is imperative that proper measures be taken to improve the life quality of old people. (文章中心)

Illegal Immigration
The news that thirty-nine people died from suffocation (闷死) in a container truck in UK has shocked the whole world. (新闻报道引入) As subsequent investigations found that these thirty-nine victims intended to enter the UK illegally, this tragic event and other similar tragedies have triggered off international concern (引起国际关注) over illegal immigration. (阐述现象) In my opinion, we should crack down (抵制) illegal immigration and also punish people related to it. (自己观点) Here below I will introduce some reasons why illegal immigration happens.(文章中心)


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