华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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1Recently, the problem of ...has been concerned by a lot of people.

【例句】Recently, the problem of privacy disclosure has been concerned by a lot of people.

2Nowadays, people are beginning to realize...

【例句】Nowadays, people are beginning to realize that the aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others blindly.

3The importance of… has been brought to public attention.

【例句】The importance of honest and trustworthy has been brought to public attention.

4It is fairly well-known that…

【例句】It is fairly well-known that we are bombarded with the information presented by the new media, including newspaper, radio and Internet.

5There is much discussion today about whether…Opinions vary from person to person. Some regard...as... .Others believe that...

【例句】There is much discussion today about whether advertising aimed at children should be banned. Opinions vary from person to person. Some regard advertising for children as a way to get more information. Others believe that advertising not only causes children to form irresponsible consumption habits, but it also affect their emotional wellbeing.
【译文】关于针对儿童的广告是否应该被禁止,人们展开了广泛的讨论。 观点因人而异。 一些人认为为儿童做广告是获得更多信息的一种方式。 另一些人认为广告不仅会导致孩子形成不负责任的消费习惯,而且还会影响他们的情绪健康。  

6From my perspective…

【例句】From my perspective, even though distance learning is different from traditional college education, distance learning has some distinct advantages.

7If all the factors are contemplated, I think that

【例句】If all the factors are contemplated, I think that I am of the opinion that we are beneficiaries than victims of taxation.

1To sum up, in order to solve the problem, we should...

【例】To sum up, in order to solve the problem, we should raise peoples awareness of environmental protection, which can lead to a change to their lifestyle. 
2Taking all these factors into account/consideration, we may draw the conclusion that...

【例】Taking all these factors into account/consideration, we may draw the conclusion that new buildings should be compatible with existing buildings so as not to undermine cultural identity.

3Judging from the evidence offered, no one can doubt the fact that...

【例】Judging from the evidence offered, no one can doubt the fact that fast food not only poses a threat to peoples health but also break cuisine culture and social relationship.

4Overall, I believe that

【例】 Overall, I believe that ones freedom to choose lifestyles should be protected provided that it does not interfere with other people.

5In brief, I am convinced that

【例】In brief, I am convinced that international aid is of great significance to those who are affected by disaster, poverty and misfortunes.

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华慧考博2023年考博英语词汇训练营 直播+录播+群答疑