华慧考博2023年考博英语听力训练营 直播+录播+群答疑
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Americans say average family needs $85,000 to get by: Gallup


A new poll found that Americans believe the average family needs to make a minimum of $85,000 annually to get by, a major increase from just a decade ago.


The Gallup poll shows about a 46 percent increase in the perceived average income a family of four needs compared to 2013, when Americans put the figure at $58,000 annually.


“The rise in perceived necessary income to support a family of four highlights the economic pressure facing American households as high inflation stretches into a second year,” the poll results read.


About 31 percent of respondents said the minimum annual income a family of four needs to make is between $50,000 to $75,000 per year, while 30 percent of respondents said the family’s annual income should be at least $100,000. Those saying a family of four needed an income of at least $100,000 tripled from 2013, when only 10 percent selected that bracket.


In 2013, 7 percent of respondents said a family of four could get by on an income of $30,000 or less, while in 2023, about 3 percent said the same thing.



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