学员疑问:老师, “本周五晚自习之后我们将于8点在学生俱乐部集合。”这句话翻译成We will gather in the Students' Club at 8'clock p.m. after the Friday's evening classes.哪里错了呢?
老师解答: “本周五” 应做时间状语;“学生俱乐部”是个小地点,用介词at更合适。可以改为We will gather at the Students' Club at 8'clock p.m. after the evening classes this Friday.。也可以是We will gather at the Students' Club at 8'clock p.m. this Friday, after the evening classes. 你的翻译after the Friday's evening classes是把“本周五”当做定语来修饰“晚自习”,这样略显中式英语了。